Tag Archives: Crazy Cricket

Our babies

They may not be real offspring, but these two are most definitely our babies.


Justice is our bold, beautiful Bullmastiff puppy who absolutely has us wrapped around his paws. He is now almost one hundred pounds and still growing like a weed. In the last couple of weeks, Justice has bloomed. He’s suddenly acting a lot less like a puppy and more like an adult dog. He’s a joy to be around and I just adore him.


And then there is Cricket. She’s a little special, but it’s also comforting to have her. She was our first baby and gets the privilege to curl up at our feet at night.

Last week, I almost brought home another cat… but then I remembered that I have these two at home and that they often chase each other around the house. And I really don’t need to add to that drama.

This is day 6 of the 30 Day Meme- A photo of an animal you would love to keep as a pet.


Filed under Marla's Ramblings

Things I just don’t understand

1.) This cat:


(By the way, this picture happens to be 99/100.)

Cricket is pretty much the weirdest animal ever. Several times a day, she leaves me pondering what exactly she’s thinking. Like why did she seem to want into the bedroom at exactly 5:16 AM on Saturday? Doesn’t she understand that nothing needs to be happening at that hour on a Saturday? And why must she always stick her behind right into my face when we let her in? Couldn’t she reserve that trait for Colby?

Oh, and she seems to be incredibly scared of my camera. It is so stinkin’ hard to get a picture of this animal.

2.) My immune system has gone completely bonkers. Really. Why do I have to be sick on the craziest week I’ve had in a long time?

If I suddenly disappear off the face of the internet planet, you guys will know why. I just drowned in my own snot.

3.)  We had two day labors working at our house last week. They were putting in two small cement slabs on either side of the house. When it rains a lot, we have a tiny problem with the basement flooding. Hopefully, the cement fixes this problem.

Anyway, the men did a good job on the cement, but left my back yard looking like a trashcan had exploded. There is Coke cans, paper, napkins, and several Dairy Queen cups spread out all over the place. And they were paid good money, too.

It’s a good thing that I don’t know where they live, or I might have to seek revenge. Except I love the planet, so I won’t.

4.) Oh and another thing: if you are hired to work at someone’s house, never start a conversation like this- “Hey, how much did that dog cost?!” Because that is not polite. And it might totally tick off the lady of the house.

5.) Speaking of the dog, have I mentioned lately that he is growing like a weed?


Sir Justice the Expensive is currently eight pounds and has taken up a habit of laying on his back. All. The. Time.

And I don’t understand that either. These animals I live with are bizarre.

(All contents of this post were written while I was under the influence of at least three different kind of cold and flu medicines. I cannot be held countable for anything I say. Amen.)


Filed under Daily Photo, Marla's Ramblings

Eight things

1.) School is really starting to starting to take off. My first paper was due yesterday and I have my first test today. Needless to say, I’m starting to feel the heat.


2.) My sister’s apartment (where I’m staying Monday-Thursday) doesn’t have internet, yet. Something about the company changing, blah, blah, blah. I don’t like it.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air. I need to feed my internet addiction, y’all.

3.) Refer to #’s one and two for proof that I’ve been a little absent lately. I hope you forgive me, dear internet friends.

4.) My nephew is just too cute.


Really, it’s just about too much for me, especially when he cries and his little teeth stick out.


And when you add in my darling little sister, I feel my ovaries soar. But then I remember that my dog is usually the only thing waking me up in the morning… and he likes to sleep. Babies can wait.

5.) I can never spell ovaries.

Actually, I can’t spell a lot of things.

6.) Oh, football. I really don’t understand football, at all. Instead, I spend $5 to sit in the cold with my family for the social interaction. Really, I just talk the entire time.


And then my brother scores and I have to pretend that I watched the entire thing. It’s a hard life.

7.) I took some ridiculously amazing pictures of my future-cousin-in-law.


Isn’t she just too cute?


8.) In the last couple months, I really got down on my photography. No one wanted a session. And now, when my life exploding into a world of crazyness… Everyone wants a session.

You know what they say, when it rain it pours.


Filed under Marla's Ramblings, Photography

Happy 100th Post to Me!

It’s my 100th post. Crazy right? Can you believe I’ve rambled on to my imaginary friends that long?

For my 100th post, I thought about making a list of 100 unique things about me. Honestly though, I don’t think I know 100 unique things about myself and that would probably scare away the few readers I do have. Instead, I decided to post 7 pictures and tell you about them.

Because that’s what I do. I post pictures and ramble on. It’s a true gift.


First of all, I have a cat- Cricket. She’s not a very nice girl though and hates my camera. She usually runs away when it comes out. Cricket is adapting well to having the puppy around. They have a good relationship because they both refuse to acknowledge each other. It works.

Of course, I had a relationship with a roommate like that once. For months, we ignored each other, refusing to make contact or inform the other when we were out of toilet paper. In the end, we both exploded and refused to ever talk again.

Nevermind, maybe it isn’t a good situation after all. Please pray for us? Justice and Cricket need to be friends.


Incase you didn’t know, I love on a farm. I’m marrying a real life, tractor driving farmer. He wear a pocket tee, blue jeans, and work boots everyday.

Farming season is in full swing. I’m adapting to no longer seeing Colby. It sucks, but it’s life. It’s been raining like crazy though, which means we are going to have some amazing harvests.

Amazing harvests= amazing vacations. I like vacations.

J Bird

My baby sister has a rockstar attitude. Lately, she’s been embracing her inter-poet. This is a poem she wrote about our Father last weekend:

I heart my Dady
He’s a fatty
I call him Cady
I heart my Dady

Yes, she is probably going to be the next famous poet. And I will be responsible for introducing her work to the world.

And believe me, she’s a much better speller than I was at her age.

My love
I’m in love with this man. We are getting married on December 23, 2010. There isn’t much else to say about that.

My boys
I also love this puppy. And this puppy love my man. He probably loves my man more than he loves me.

(Please ignore the stuff covering the table in the background. And Colby’s holey shirt and dirty clothes. While your at it, please ignore his sock sticking up in the picture. Remember, he’s a real-life farmer. It isn’t glamerous.)

Colby and Justice slept together last night and the night before. They spend all day long bonding when I’m away at school. Colby actually told me that he gets to keep Justice if we get a divorce. Don’t worry about me though, he said I get custody of Cricket. I’m so glad he’s looking out for my best interests!


And I’ll leave you with this vintage picture from my high school graduation three years ago. These are my sisters. Shaylin & Ashley are graduating in three weeks. I don’t think they are near as excited as my momma.

I’ll leave you with that, friends. Tonight, I’m going to the Miranda Lambert & Cross Canadian Ragweed concert. How exciting right?

I’ll be back tomorrow.


Filed under Family, Farm Pets, Marla's Ramblings, Photography

Clinging to the happy things…

It’s Monday. I hate Mondays, especially after fabulous holiday weekends that fly by way too fast. Right now, school is kicking my butt. I’m feel like I’m waging a battle against Karl Marx and his entire economic theory. Tests are rapidly approaching and I feel totally unprepared.

But I’m not going to talk about any of that today… I’m going to cling to the happy things. The things that make this windy Monday look not so bad.

1.) Scholarships. I was awarded $1000 by the Political Science at my university last week. We probably shouldn’t tell them that all I want to do with my degree is to take pictures. Free money is always nice though.

2.) Family- both the kind your marry into and the one’s you’ve been stuck with forever.


Especially, the ridiculous beautiful kind that pose like models for me. Don’t tell Colby, but I’m considering ditching him for Jackson in about eighteen years. Seriously, Colby’s family has really welcomed me into the bunch and always makes me feel so comfortable. I appreciate that.

3.) Photography.


Isn’t Krysta here too pretty? We took her Senior pictures on Saturday afternoon and they turned out great despite the crazy Oklahoma wind that tried to ruin our day.

4.) Sammy’s smiles.

Happy Baby

I held him through church yesterday and he made the funniest grunting noises the entire time. It was adorable.

5.) Sunsets.
One last time...

How can anyone argue deny that there is a God when they look at this? It absolutely takes my breath away.

6.) This little punk.

J Bird

In church yesterday, Jamey jumped up during communion and yelled to my mom- “I want a piece of bread right now!” When she went through the line, she grabbed a giant chunk and slowly ate it for the next five minutes. I wish I could be more like her, because that bread is yummy.

7.) Colby.

My Farmer

He’s my best friend and soul mate. I won’t deny that Colby completely spoils me. Last week, I decided that I really needed a puppy. We had already decided that we would get one after I finished school, but the stars aligned and I found the perfect one now. He agreed that I totally needed one and in two weeks I will have a perfect Bullmastiff puppy.

(And Cricket is absolutely excited about getting a baby brother. Just ask her.)

What are three things that are making you happy right now?


Filed under Family, Marla's Ramblings, Photography

No respect…

“Cricket, we need to have a serious conversation…”


“No really, this is important…”


“You seem to be having a serious attitude problem lately. Why don’t you ever listen to me? I’m starting to get fed up with it. As long as you live under my roof, you’re going to follow my rules.”


“You better not go back to sleep. Really. I have something very important to tell you.”


“In two weeks, I’m going to bring you home a baby brother. Aren’t you excited?! He just can’t wait to meet us.”


(To be continued…)


Filed under Farm Pets, Marla's Ramblings

My little baby is growing up…

My cat, Cricket, is no longer a baby. She’s a full-fledged adult cat with some serious problems…

Baby Cricket

She’s in heat. The poor cat has spent the last two days rubbing herself against anything will move. Oh and she cries, loudly.

Cricket isn’t an affectionate cat. She would rather spend her time darting around the house then laying next to me. In the last twenty-four hours I’ve probably had to push her off my lap sixty three hundred times. I’m not mean to her, but she’s smells a bit funny. I cannot imagine the hormones that are surging through her little body. Her personality has been totally altered. It’s insane.

I almost posted the following facebook status: “…So our cat is in heat and really needs help. Any advice?” I only resisted because I knew I would get comments about a horny pussy. Oh my.

Any advice guys?

(P.S.- She has an appointment at the vet later this month. We don’t want any baby kitties running around.)

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Filed under Daily Photo, Farm Pets

Cricket! Cricket!

Cricket! Cricket!

This is Colby’s cat, Cricket. Don’t believe any arguments he gives you about her being mine- she totally isn’t. She’s his.

I don’t even like cats. They are grumpy and mean… Cricket is no different. Don’t be fooled by her cute face, when you are least expecting it, she’ll bite you. Hard.

Cricket is a mean little kitty. For real. Now excuse me, I need to go see if she wants to cuddle.

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Filed under Daily Photo, Farm Pets