My Blogroll

Here is a current list of my favorite blogs. It changes all the time and I will try to get keep it updated as much as possible. I truly enjoy making new friends through my blog. Have a favorite blog that isn’t listed? Feel free to recommend it to me.

Becoming Sarah– Sarah has a beautiful blog and posts the most precious pictures. Check her out. I promise that you won’t regret it.

Chronicles of a Country Girl– Kate’s blog provides a refreshing dose of beauty every day. She is almost always positive and uplifting and I look forward to her posts.

I Heart Faces– I heart faces puts on a great picture contest every week. I just love looking at all the entries.

Into the Light– Stephen’s blog is packed full of great pictures, food, and his thoughts.

Life with Kaishon– Becky writes about her world, posting adorable pictures of her sweet son Kaishon and everyone else she encounters. Her blog is always fun and creative.

Confessions of a Young Married Couple– Katie writes about her marriage, her cute baby Bean, and her new life in Florida. She’s witty and fun, while still writing about meaningful topics.

The Amazing Trips– Jenn writes one of my favorite blogs around. Visit her blog. I promise that you’ll either be laughing or crying in minutes. She’s that good.

The Glamorous Life of a Housewife– Whitney is cute. Period.

There’ll Be Days Like This…– Makenzie is one of my oldest bloggy friends and a real classy lady. Check her out.

Enjoying the Small Things– Kelle writes the prettiest blog in the world. Seriously. Her words and pictures will leave you speechless. Go over there right now, please.

Everything’s Just Wonderful– Caitlin and I would be friends in real life if we lived near each other. I’m sure of it. She’s funny as heck.

The Lumberjack’s Wife– Taylor’s blog is hilarious. I just recently discovered her, but she just keeps me coming back over and over.

Warsaw Mommy Blog– Michelle is a Canadian who is living in Poland with her husband and two young sons. I enjoy reading about the challenges she faces due to different cultures and languages.

2 responses to “My Blogroll

  1. Pingback: My Boys « As the Farm Turns

  2. I already read most of these, but always love finding new, great blogs. Thanks!

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