I’m moving

Yep, I am switching blogs. I want something that is a little more business related, so that I can showcase my pictures for clients. I want ahead and got a big girl blog all set up for my photography business.

Please, please, please go add http://www.blueskiesphotoblog.com to your reader.

Head over and check it out quick. I might have posted a few wedding pictures, even. 🙂

And I truly apologize for switching homes.

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Filed under Announcements

A new normal

Greetings from the old married lady.

Oh wait, I’m still only twenty-two, but I am really hitched. The wedding went of without many problems. At one point, the preacher accidentally coughed right into the microphone, scaring everyone in the church, but that was really the only mishap.

Everything else was perfect and we had quite the party. I danced and danced until my feet felt like they were going to fall off. The food was delicious and my face hurt from smiling.

And now, I’m married. Colby and I have been walking around since calling each other “hubby” and “wifey,” because we find it so entertaining.

I’m ready for the new normal. I’m not quite sure what that is, but know I’m ready for things to slow down for a bit.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I’ll post pictures sometime later. Right now, I’m going to cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie with my husband.


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The big day is tomorrow. My wedding. The day I’ve dreamed and prayed about for months. The day we will official be a pair- legally bound together and all.

I can’t believe it’s finally here. Where does the time go? I mean, really- our eleven month engagement seemed to drag by, but then it was suddenly flying and I could barely catch my breath.

Everything is ready. Dresses are steamed. My grandmother made a beautiful cake. The reception area is decorated perfect. The church is clean. Gifts have been given out. Everyone knows the plan (I hope).

Tomorrow probably won’t go exactly the way I think, but I know that it will be an amazing day that I will remember for the rest of my life.

I will post pictures as soon as possible. There will be a ton, but I’ll get them all up here at some point. Say a little prayer for me, friends.

Enjoy these pictures from the last several days:




Filed under Marla's Ramblings, The Wedding

Another mountain climbed

Another chapter in my life is finished. I am now, officially, a college graduate.

After three and a half years, countless tests, numerous papers, and a several late nights I am finished with my undergraduate career.

Honestly, I feel strange. Much like my high school graduation didn’t hit me until school started the next year, I’m not sure it’s all sunk in yet. I mean, I’m really done? How can that be. It seems like I just started the other day. In some ways, I feel like a scared eighteen year old, wondering exactly where my Comp I class is. At the same time, I know I have grown into a strong, independent women.


An independent women who happened to have a rockin’ GPA, by the way. Oh, an independent women who made it all the way across the stage without tripping and falling. In heals.

(That is actually the real accomplishment, friends.)

In five days I’ll be a married women. How completely bizarre is that?!

I’ll check in as often as possible.

(Please forgive me for any typos made in this post. I also survived my bachelorette party last night.)


Filed under Marla's Ramblings

A link that will change your life

Lately, I’ve been suffering from insomnia. Crazy bad.

I go to bed, but my mind just keeps going. All. Dang. Night. I make “to-do” lists, I write papers in my head, I think about little details. It’s so ridiculous.

Tonight, I found an amazing website. I’ve always liked fml and textsfromlastnight, but this newest link is even better. Check out:


Seriously, it will change your life. I was laughing so hard I was crying by the third page… And that is honestly just what a crazy stressed girl needs sometimes.

(Be prepared for some profanity. Just a warning.)

Enjoy lovelys. I’m trying to get around to all your blogs, I promise. There is just sooooooo many that I am behind on.


Filed under Marla's Ramblings

Well, hello December. How did you sneak up on me?

I’m alive.

November seemed to fly right on by me. It’s amazing how that happens when your life is totally stinkin’ insane.

But I survived. My projects are mostly completed, all my photography clients have their pictures, the wedding stuff is coming along quite nicely and I should be able to survive the next twenty-one days.

Can you believe it’s only twenty-one days?! Holy smokes. I’m going to be an old married women before long.

We had our shower a couple of weeks ago, where we received a ton of amazing presents.

It took my a full eight hors to wash all the plates/dishes/etc and put them all up in the cabinets. There were boxes everywhere!

Oh my

But now our house is more like a home. And our plates are totally the coolest thing ever.


Finals start next week. I’m over them all ready. I mean, I’m a Senior. I’ve been through this jazz way more times than I can count. (Or seven times. Whatever.)

I feel like I could go on and on forever, but I’m going to stop. I’m here. I’m alive and I hope to be checking back in from time to time.

I can’t wait to catch up on all my imaginary internet friends lives.


Filed under Domestic Life, Marla's Ramblings

Time out

I need to take a little blogging break. Everything is okay, I’m just overwhelmed with school, my business, and wedding planning.  My life is just too busy right now.

I’ll be back ASAP with lots of news, I’m sure.


Filed under Uncategorized

My 22th year of life

Today is my the anniversary of my birth. I have graced the world with my presence for twenty-two years. This is quite bizarre to me, honestly. Most days, I don’t feel like I’ve matured since I turned twelve. I know I have, but I still feel like that little girl, acting like a grown up.

My twenty-second year is going to be awesome. Really, it is.

And in typical first-born, overachiever style, I’m going to make a list of things to accomplish in the next 365 days.

  1. Get married to the my dream guy, my lover, and the man who makes my heart go pitter-patter when I see him.
  2. Learn to make homemade tortillas.
  3. Figure out the actual rules to football and pay attention to at least one full game.
  4. Graduate from college.
  5. Organize my kitchen.
  6. Actually finish the last season of Lost. I’m obsessed with the show. I absolutely love it, but I had a night class last year when they were finishing it. Thus, the entire season remains on the DVR, waiting to be watched. I’m waiting until I have time to savor the last bit of the storyline. Plus, I’m not sure I want to figure out what exactly is going on. (This is Day 14 of the 30 Day Meme.)
  7. Teach Justice at least three tricks.
  8. Hike through a rain forest.
  9. Finish my 365 Project.
  10. Run a half marathon in April.
  11. Train for that half marathon.
  12. Get a Brazilian blowout before my honeymoon.
  13. Watch a sunrise in Hawaii.
  14. Beat Colby in a game of Poker.
  15. Have a sleepover with my sisters.
  16. Improve my photography.
  17. Volunteer at church more often.
  18. Plant flowers next Spring.
  19. Expand my photography business.
  20. Build a snowman.
  21. Fly a kite.
  22. Relax. Enjoy life. Laugh often. Love. Make the best of every single day God blesses me with.

I think I’ve got some good guidelines anyway.


And now, I think we should look at old pictures of myself and laugh.

That’s obviously the healthiest thing to do on one’s birthday, right?

First, there was wittle-wittle baby Marla.

So Young!

That baby grew and grew and eventually became the World’s Cutest Child Ever.


And then she got some sisters.


(I’m the one on the right, Shaylin is on the left, and Ashley is the baby.)


Eventually, 1998 rolled around and my bangs were still rockin’ like it was 1987. My mom continued to make me wear my hair like this until I was eleven. I then demanded that they be grown out.

clay & mar dec 1999

Actually, I’m not sure that that improved my hair much.

We should probably stop with the old pictures now, while I still have some dignity left.


Today, Colby is taking me to my favorite eatery where I’m going to order Prime Rib.



It’s my birthday and I want to be carefree and happy, but all I can think about is my ever growing “to-do” list. Seriously, I have three photo sessions this weekend, a online test, a paper to write, and about a million other things to do.

Maybe I should chop my bangs short and act like it’s 1998. Things were so easy back then.


Filed under Marla's Ramblings

My favorite musician

This one is easy… I mean, really who else can be called “King George?” Only the greatest country artist ever.

And I’ve been listening to George since I was in the womb. I can remember his hits at each and every one of my life stages.

Especially this song, because it’s pretty much sums up my entire life right now. I gotta make it past Amarillo every Tuesday and Thursday before my nine AM class.

This is Day 13 of the 30 Day Meme.


Filed under Marla's Ramblings

My hometown

Today, I’m supposed to post a picture of my hometown for the 30 Day Meme.

Today, I’m also totally bogged down with editing pictures for my business and studying for the huge statistics test I will be taking tomorrow morning.

And I’m sleepy, so very sleepy.

Instead of actually going out and finding some unique views of my hometown- I decided to just rely on google.

We aren’t known for much. I mean, the nearest Walmart is over and hour away and we don’t have one stop light in the entire county. It’s not exactly a big city, by no means.

But we did once suffer through the Dust Bowl.



And we grow a ton of wheat and corn.


Other interesting things about my “city:”

– The best beef jerky in the world is made here.
– We were once bombed… Really.

And I think that’s about it.

Oh yes, incase someone reading this is a creepy stalker who wants to take these clues and hunt me down, just know that I have a very large dog, a strong fiance, and several guns.

I hope you all have a great day.

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Filed under Marla's Ramblings