My wedding shoes

I am wearing a huge, elegant wedding dress… I went all out and got as fancy as possible.

But I can’t forget that I’m still a country girl at heart.


They won’t show unless I pull up my dress and they will keep my feet warm if it snows.

They are absolutely beautiful and fit like a glove. And, my favorite part of all, they are so comfortable.


What did you guys wear under your wedding dresses?

(P.S.- The top picture is 94/365.)


Filed under Marla's Ramblings, Photography

6 responses to “My wedding shoes

  1. Perfect! You’re speaking my kind of style!!! :0)

  2. i love your photos! how can i view your 360 project? did you start the project at the beginning of the year or mid-year? what camera do you use? feel free to check out my blog 🙂

  3. I love it! I wore stupid white shoes under my dress… so NOT my style but I thought I would try it because I never wear fancy shoes.
    I definitely tore those suckers off as soon as the ceremony was over… and danced the night away in my flip-flops! 🙂

  4. I wore uncomfortable white heels. I like your choice MUCH better!

  5. Pamela

    I just discovered your blog. Lovin’ it so far! I wore boring heels for the ceremony. But changed into my lace-up boots when we got to the reception/dance. I was having trouble managing the dress so my Grandpa helped me tie the boots. Needless to say he put ALOT of knots in the laces!

  6. I love it, and can just imagine the wedding pictures.. .. Posed to show off your boots and style.

    I’ve enjoyed your blog..

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